The LCM is presented in EUROPE. Discover the trends and challenges that strategic communication presents from the Latin American perspective

The 22-23 edition of the LCM will be presented at the EUPRERAtalks on April 11.

This adds to recent presentations in Colombia, Bolivia, Cuba, Spain, Argentina, and Mexico at various events organized by universities, councils, and professional associations.

10 abril, 2024
El LCM se presenta en EUROPA

In increasingly complex and interdependent contexts, strategic communication and public relations play a fundamental role. Therefore, staying informed about the challenges and trends shaping this profession is key and necessary.

The LCM provides valuable information about the state of the profession for the past 10 years, being the largest and most prestigious Latin American study in the field of strategic communication and public relations. It is a regional chapter that is part of the Global Communication Monitor driven by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), which has surveyed nearly 50,000 professionals in over 80 countries over 16 years. In addition to Latin America, the study is complemented by chapters in Europe (ECM), Asia-Pacific (APCM), and North America (NACM).

Don’t miss the next presentation of the study on Thursday, April 11 at 6 p.m. (Spain time) at the next edition of EUPRERATalks “LCM 22-23: the state of strategic communication and public relations in Latam” (Format: online – Language: English) featuring José Alessandro Oliveira (CEO of Zele Communication), PhD. Fabiana Gondim Mariutti (PlaceMark CNPq – Universidade de São Paulo. Brazil), Ph.D. Claudia Labarca (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), and moderated by Ph.D. Juan-Carlos Molleda (Director of the LCM).

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El LCM se presenta en EUROPA

In recent months, Bolivia, Cuba, Spain, Argentina, and Mexico have joined the tour of presentations and discussions on the results of the latest Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) report, offering an overview of the challenges and opportunities they face.

In Colombia, in addition to the presentation we made in 2023 as part of the International Public Relations Day, on May 15, we participated in the Master’s in Communication in Organizations at the Pontifical Javeriana University in Cali.

El LCM se presenta en EUROPA

In Bolivia, the results were analyzed in an interview by M. de los Ángeles Sánchez for CAFÉ PR Bolivia – EMERGING TRENDS IN PUBLIC RELATIONS AND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION, organized by Marita Solórzano Castro, a member of the study’s advisory board and director, founder of the online education platform

In Cuba, with a focus on expanding collaboration in the region and exploring new frontiers in the academic and research fields, the University of Holguín hosted two events with over 40 professionals, faculty, and students.

In Argentina, the results of the Report were presented at the 6th Research Dialogue of the cycle of meetings of Public Relations and Institutional Communication careers 2024 organized by the Professional Council of Public Relations of Argentina.

El LCM se presenta en EUROPA

In Mexico, the results were again presented at an event organized by the Mexican Caribbean Public Relations Association (ARPCM) and La Salle University Cancun, where nearly a hundred representatives from academia and the professional field participated. In turn, the report was also presented within the framework of the X International Congress of Political Communication and Campaign Strategies “Political communication and polarized societies” organized by the Latin American Association of Researchers in Electoral Campaigns (ALICE), which was attended by more than 250 people.

El LCM se presenta en EUROPA

In Spain, the LCM was presented jointly with the ECM at an event held in Madrid (Spain) and organized by the Association of Communication Consultancies (ACD) and the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA).

ESPAÑA analiza los retos de comunicación a partir del ECM y el LCM

These events add to the previous ones in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela.

The presentations were conducted by the study directors: Dr. Juan Carlos Molleda and Dr. Alejandro Álvarez Nobell, and the research team: Dr. Ángeles Moreno, Andréia Athaydes, Ana María Suárez-Monsalve, and Marco V. Herrera. 

These meeting spaces not only served to discuss the results of the LCM 2022-2023 but also catalyze new opportunities for collaboration and joint development in the region. The fluid dialogue and the search for synergies with academic and professional institutions reflect a shared commitment to advancing towards a more promising future in the field of strategic communication and public relations.

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The 2022-2023 edition of the LCM is sponsored by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), the University of Oregon (United States), and the Creative Campus of the Latin University of Costa Rica. Additionally, it receives academic support from the Regeneration, Well-being, and Positive Communication Research Group ReBiCom UMA Network at the University of Malaga (Spain); the Advanced Communication Studies Group at the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain); the Research Group in Communication Studies (GRECO) at the University of Medellin (Colombia), and the Latin American Network for Research in Organizational Communication (RedLAco).

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Sobre el LCM

El Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) tiene por objetivo contribuir al desarrollo disciplinar y profesional en COMUNICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Y RELACIONES PÚBLICAS, evaluando las tendencias y cambios que se están produciendo. Desde 2013, la investigación ha visibilizado sistemáticamente la función de los comunicadores de habla hispana y portuguesa en el mundo, empoderando así a los profesionales dentro de sus organizaciones, al igual que a las asociaciones del sector dentro de su entorno social. Cumpliendo con los más altos estándares académicos, una red de investigadores de las 26 más prestigiosas universidades configura el marco del estudio sobre teorías y resultados de investigaciones científicas internacionales de primer nivel.


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Esta investigación junto al European Communication Monitor, el Asia - Pacific Communication Monitor y el North American Communication Monitor conforman el Global Communication Monitor que dirige el Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass (Leipzig University, Alemania): el mayor y más prestigioso estudio mundial, con 15 años de antigüedad, resultados de más de 80 países y 30 mil profesionales participantes.