European Communication Monitor 2023: Informe disponible

7 septiembre, 2023
European Communication Monitor 2023

A 15 year study by five universities reveals longitudinal insights: enhancing trust and securing strategic alignment remain top challenges for the communications and PR profession in Europe

The 2023 edition of the European Communication Monitor (ECM) has been presented by a research group from leading universities in Germany, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Norway, and Spain today. The study is known as the world’s longest running empirical study on current and future developments in strategic communication and public relations. It is based on surveys of almost 40,000 communication professionals from 50 countries.

The current edition provides unique insights by combining a look back at the most important strategic issues for communication management over 15 consecutive years with a look ahead that identifies five key areas of action for communication leaders. The outlook is based on longitudinal empirical insights from the ECM and current research literature. The authors present theses for communication leaders that stimulate reflection and debate.

Key insights and drivers of success for the next decade

The ECM 2023 report identifies five areas that will shape the future of strategic communication and need specific attention, based on the empirical data and current research which has been additionally evaluated. These topics are explained in the full report with references to additional sources. The authors provide three theses for each area that help readers to reflect and discuss potential initiatives in their daily practice.

  1. Leverage the potential of advanced tech and data use.
  2. Develop rare competencies and new roles for professionals.
  3. Reach and impact audiences in a hyperconnected world.
  4. Lead and motivate extraordinary communication teams.
  5. Build relationships in times of misinformation and distrust.

Study will be relaunched in 2024 with a new research design

The ECM 2023 Report concludes the successful phase of this transnational study based on a broad quantitative research design. The research project will recommence in 2024 with a new, more focused and advanced research design to be announced later this year.

Downloads available

The full ECM 2023 Report (PDF, 64 pp.) is available for free at

The ECM 2023 press release, with select insights, is available on the EUPRERA website and in PDF.

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Sobre el LCM

El Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) tiene por objetivo contribuir al desarrollo disciplinar y profesional en COMUNICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Y RELACIONES PÚBLICAS, evaluando las tendencias y cambios que se están produciendo. Desde 2013, la investigación ha visibilizado sistemáticamente la función de los comunicadores de habla hispana y portuguesa en el mundo, empoderando así a los profesionales dentro de sus organizaciones, al igual que a las asociaciones del sector dentro de su entorno social. Cumpliendo con los más altos estándares académicos, una red de investigadores de las 26 más prestigiosas universidades configura el marco del estudio sobre teorías y resultados de investigaciones científicas internacionales de primer nivel.


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Esta investigación junto al European Communication Monitor, el Asia - Pacific Communication Monitor y el North American Communication Monitor conforman el Global Communication Monitor que dirige el Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass (Leipzig University, Alemania): el mayor y más prestigioso estudio mundial, con 15 años de antigüedad, resultados de más de 80 países y 30 mil profesionales participantes.