The Institute for Public Relations once again recognizes the LCM as one of the most relevant studies for the profession in 2023

This achievement reaffirms the importance and significance of the project for the academic and professional development of strategic communication and public relations in Latin America and its global positioning.

8 febrero, 2024
El Institute for Public Relations reconoce nuevamente al LCM como uno de los estudios más relevantes para la profesión 2023

The Institute for Public Relations (IPR) has just released its annual report on the Top 15 most relevant studies for those practicing the profession of strategic communication and public relations in 2023. In this edition, the recognized studies address key topics such as internal communication, artificial intelligence, the state of the art of the profession, ESG criteria, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

The LCM has been selected for the second time as one of the fundamental studies to understand the state of the public relations industry. Since 2013, the Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) project has become the largest and most rigorous longitudinal and comparative scientific study of the discipline and professional field of strategic communication and public relations in Latin America. 

With 5 uninterrupted biennial editions, its participation, scope, and relevance are consolidated year after year, with its contributions mentioned and recognized at major scientific and professional congresses, by international associations, and the most prestigious academic publications on the subject. The previous edition was presented at more than 40 forums and events throughout the region, the United States, and Europe, enabling the research to systematically visualize the role of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking strategic communication and public relations in the world, thus empowering professionals within their organizations, academia, and research, as well as sector associations in their social environment.

Its impact has reached a potential audience of 20,000 strategic communication and public relations professionals in Latin America and a specific community within the field in virtual environments (over 1800 followers on Facebook; 1015 followers on X; 1519 followers on LinkedIn). Furthermore, it is the main academic reference with 1,210 citations and 141 references in Google Scholar.

El Institute for Public Relations reconoce nuevamente al LCM como uno de los estudios más relevantes para la profesión 2023

The LCM is part of the Global Communication Monitor, driven by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), which, in 16 years, has surveyed approximately 50,000 professionals in more than 80 countries. In addition to the Latin American region, the study is complemented by chapters in Europe (ECM), Asia-Pacific (APCM), and North America (NACM). The 2022-2023 edition is sponsored by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), the University of Oregon (United States), and the Creative Campus of the Latin University of Costa Rica.

Additionally, it receives academic support from the Regeneration, Well-being, and Positive Communication Research Group ReBiCom UMA Network at the University of Malaga (Spain); the Advanced Communication Studies Group at the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain); the Research Group in Communication Studies (GRECO) at the University of Medellin (Colombia), and the Latin American Network for Research in Organizational Communication (RedLAco).

View The Full Report Here

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Sobre el LCM

El Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) tiene por objetivo contribuir al desarrollo disciplinar y profesional en COMUNICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Y RELACIONES PÚBLICAS, evaluando las tendencias y cambios que se están produciendo. Desde 2013, la investigación ha visibilizado sistemáticamente la función de los comunicadores de habla hispana y portuguesa en el mundo, empoderando así a los profesionales dentro de sus organizaciones, al igual que a las asociaciones del sector dentro de su entorno social. Cumpliendo con los más altos estándares académicos, una red de investigadores de las 26 más prestigiosas universidades configura el marco del estudio sobre teorías y resultados de investigaciones científicas internacionales de primer nivel.


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Esta investigación junto al European Communication Monitor, el Asia - Pacific Communication Monitor y el North American Communication Monitor conforman el Global Communication Monitor que dirige el Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass (Leipzig University, Alemania): el mayor y más prestigioso estudio mundial, con 15 años de antigüedad, resultados de más de 80 países y 30 mil profesionales participantes.