Three new high-impact scientific publications confirm the methodological and theoretical quality of the LCM

15 febrero, 2024
Tres nuevas publicaciones científicas de alto impacto ratifican la calidad metodológica y teórica del LCM

The commitment to methodological rigor and theoretical quality of the Latin American Communication Monitor has allowed it, in 10 years and 5 biennial editions, to become the most comprehensive “RADIOGRAPHY OF THE PROFESSION AND TRENDS IN STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS” in the region.

In the 2022-2023 edition of the study, 1,134 professionals from 20 countries participated, with a comparative sample from 13 of them: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The data obtained provide evidence on the debate regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), empathetic leadership; the digitalization of communication departments and agencies (CommTech); strategic issues shaping the profession; dynamics and challenges of communication consultancy; salaries; and characteristics of excellent communication departments. 

Based on the research work carried out, the LCM team also contributes to the advancement of the disciplinary field, legitimizing the scientific quality standards of the study with the publication of its results, debates, and theoretical approaches in the main high-impact scientific publications for communication. Here are three recent publications obtained:

  1. Hagelstein, J., Volk, S. C., Zerfass, A., Athaydes, A. S., Macnamara, J., Meng, J., & Hung-Baesecke, C. J. F. (2024). Ethical challenges of digital communication: A comparative study of public relations practitioners in 52 countries. International Journal of Communication, 18, 22.
  2. Sadi, G., & Álvarez-Nobell, A. (2024). Capability gap in relation to public relations´ strategic issues in Latin America. Public Relations Review, 50(1), 102428.
  3. Robayo-Sanchez, K., Suárez-Monsalve A. M. & Meng J. (2023). “Situación de género en las relaciones públicas y desarrollo de competencias: un estudio entre Norteamérica y Latinoamérica.” In Chavero, Pesántez Avilés, Moscoso Merchán (Coord). (2023). En: Medios y periodistas en un mundo cambiante. Iberoamérica en la encrucijada. Tirant lo Blanch. 

All publications and contributions linked to the LCM can be consulted on the Google Scholar profile.

El Institute for Public Relations reconoce nuevamente al LCM como uno de los estudios más relevantes para la profesión 2023

An internationally model research for its scope and theoretical-methodological rigor

In the latest edition, the online questionnaire consisted of 36 questions, with five exclusive for professionals in communication departments. A variety of response scales were used, grounded in previous research. The survey, presented in Spanish and Portuguese, was tested with 86 professionals in five Latin American countries before its activation in May, June, and July 2022. 37,222 professionals across Latin America were invited via personal emails and professional associations.

For data analysis, SPSS was used, employing specific statistical methods described in the footnotes of the report. Initially, 2,740 people responded, of which 1,225 completed the survey 100%. Of these, 1,134 responses from 20 countries were statistically valid following a rigorous sample profile. This selection distinguishes the Monitor from other studies that use broader samplings or include people outside the profession.

The situation and perception of the profession in the main markets of Latam

Demographics reveal the high quality of the sample, dominated by high-level professionals with solid qualifications and extensive experience in the field, providing detailed knowledge for 13 key markets. The majority of respondents (75%) are from South America, followed by Central America and the Caribbean (19%), and North America (6%).

El Institute for Public Relations reconoce nuevamente al LCM como uno de los estudios más relevantes para la profesión 2023

The 63% of women in the survey includes 59% of communication directors or agency CEOs, 68% in team or unit leadership, and 71% as team members or consultants, with an average age of 41.5 years. 2% have a doctoral degree, 56% have master’s degrees, and 32% are graduates. Additionally, 14% participate in international professional associations.

In terms of positions, 26% lead departments or are CEOs, 35% hold team or unit leadership positions, and 36% work in teams or consultancy. With over 10 years of experience, 62% of respondents reflect a stable job market, while 19% have between 6 and 10 years of experience.

El Institute for Public Relations reconoce nuevamente al LCM como uno de los estudios más relevantes para la profesión 2023

View the Full Report Here

The LCM is part of the Global Communication Monitor, driven by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), which, in 16 years, has surveyed approximately 50,000 professionals in more than 80 countries. In addition to the Latin American region, the study is complemented by chapters in Europe (ECM), Asia-Pacific (APCM), and North America (NACM). The 2022-2023 edition is sponsored by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), the University of Oregon (United States), and the Creative Campus of the Latin University of Costa Rica. Additionally, it receives academic support from the Regeneration, Well-being, and Positive Communication Research Group ReBiCom UMA Network at the University of Malaga (Spain); the Advanced Communication Studies Group at the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain); the Research Group in Communication Studies (GRECO) at the University of Medellin (Colombia), and the Latin American Network for Research in Organizational Communication (RedLAco).

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Sobre el LCM

El Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM) tiene por objetivo contribuir al desarrollo disciplinar y profesional en COMUNICACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Y RELACIONES PÚBLICAS, evaluando las tendencias y cambios que se están produciendo. Desde 2013, la investigación ha visibilizado sistemáticamente la función de los comunicadores de habla hispana y portuguesa en el mundo, empoderando así a los profesionales dentro de sus organizaciones, al igual que a las asociaciones del sector dentro de su entorno social. Cumpliendo con los más altos estándares académicos, una red de investigadores de las 26 más prestigiosas universidades configura el marco del estudio sobre teorías y resultados de investigaciones científicas internacionales de primer nivel.


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Esta investigación junto al European Communication Monitor, el Asia - Pacific Communication Monitor y el North American Communication Monitor conforman el Global Communication Monitor que dirige el Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass (Leipzig University, Alemania): el mayor y más prestigioso estudio mundial, con 15 años de antigüedad, resultados de más de 80 países y 30 mil profesionales participantes.